Consumer Christmas Is Hurting You, Your Wallets, and Your Family’s Future.

//Consumer Christmas Is Hurting You, Your Wallets, and Your Family’s Future.

Consumer Christmas Is Hurting You, Your Wallets, and Your Family’s Future.

The question we ask you today and everyday is, “are we all really educated?” “Are we all really aware?” Is Consumer Christmas hurting you, your wallets and your family’s future.

Most of us are not aware of what is going on in this world and are just living a life day to day, ‘keeping up with the Joneses’ and not questioning what is REALLY going on and what their actions are causing, or why they are doing what they have been conditioned to do (i.e celebrate holidays and the like).

Let’s step back and look at the never ending cycle of holidays and the wasting of fiat money; buying things that will sit there and not make you a single penny.

People! We have to start being inventors and stop being consumers and invest in the future of you and your family.

The whole concept of Christ-mass (Re-LIE-Gion and consumerism) is not for us. But we continue to latch on to it like it’s natural.

Wake Up! New Decade, New You!

Are you going to make the best out of 2020, or are you are going to let a system dictate what your actions and moves? Think for yourselves! 😉


Here is the video to watch. 

By |2019-12-16T22:51:08-05:00December 15th, 2019|Blog|0 Comments

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