Recap of Friday, March 8th Call

/, Blog/Recap of Friday, March 8th Call

Recap of Friday, March 8th Call

Thank you to everyone who joined us on the call last night. It was a great call and awesome to connect with like minds. We look forward to hosting more of these type of calls, bringing on special guests to share their successes and testimonials with the AWARE community. 

What you’ve all been waiting for… the replay to last night’s call is made available so you can now listen to the replay, share and download the call! So if you missed the call or were not able to get on the call – here is the link to the replay. 


Topics of discussion: 

  1. How to remain in honor and in good faith at all times and what it means to act in good faith and act in a non-combative, non-adverse manner.
  2. How to handle public officials (ft. Pot Brothers)
  3. The importance of knowing your own paperwork and taking the initiative, due diligence steps in your path to freedom and following instructions.
  4. Importance of setting up trusts and opening trust bank accounts (many of our customers have had success with this).
  5. The importance of having a good mindset and how it correlates with law.


A transcript of the call will be made soon. 


By |2019-03-17T18:25:12-04:00March 17th, 2019|AWARE Calls, Blog|1 Comment

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One Comment

  1. Ernst January 13, 2025 at 2:14 pm - Reply

    very good

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