Real Estate Investing For Sovereigns & How It Can Help Build a Strong Ens Legis

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Real Estate Investing For Sovereigns & How It Can Help Build a Strong Ens Legis

Here at A.W.A.R.E, we’re all about creating passive income and generational wealth. We want to share how we take abundance in our sovereignty and not buy liabilities (that many tend to do in this day and age) and invest in assets. 


We’re all about empowerment, education, awareness, and bringing truth and helping people in all aspects, including how to make money. 


Being sovereign is not only about discharging debt, becoming an SPC and having a common law trust set up. That is only a piece/portion of the pie. 


Because we have a lot of customers and students who are entrepreneurs, we are writing this post in inspiration of them to hopefully motivate others looking to become self-employed or looking for ways to make money. 


Real estate is a great way people can build wealth and create passive income. 


Are you aware?

Money is sensitive topic to speak about amongst many people. In fact, Wells Fargo did a survey published on February 20, 2014, in which they discovered that 44% of Americans view personal finance as the most challenging topic to communicate with others about, and is more challenging to talk about than religion, death and politics! 


Another fact is, one of the reasons why people breakup or why families get separated is due to finances and is a leading cause of stress in relationships, one of the reasons for divorce. Interestigly enough, Time magazine has also reported that 40% of couples do not talk how they would manage their money before getting married. 


Unfortunately, we were not taught about true wealth and money in school which is unfortunate because, finances is an important subject that helps us survive day to day. 


For many, 2020 is here and for those who are awoken may know that, the REAL New Year is actually celebreated in March (on March 22nd to be exact). Let’s make this new decade the best one yet! 


Many people ask us questions on how they can create generational wealth and one of the best suggestions we recommend they do is to get into real estate investing.


Emilio has a background and a passion for Real Estate, and is going to be creating a Real Estate Course and Webinars in 2020 to help those interested become more aware of how to invest in real estate and invest in assets over liabilities. 


Real estate can be a side hustle for some, whereas for others, it can be their full time business! 


Real estate is a blooming market and is going to continue to grow for the simple fact that, people need a place to stay. 


Renting via Airbnb style is one great way to start. If you have an extra room (or rooms) in your home that you think would be good to rent out (and you are open to it) you can start with renting a room(s) and/or even become a landlord!


Some of our students that we have helped them get on the private side have started to get into real estate and began renting a spare room or have bought apartments to rent out and listed it on Airbnb. This has generated extra income for them and has opened up new avenues for them to delve deeper into having a good standing ens legis profile. What do we mean by this? 


What we mean is, if your STRAWMAN’s personal credit score is good, then you can utilize that to your advantage as the agent/heir. Wouldn’t you want your ens legis profile to be ABUNDANT and the opposite of that?! 


When your personal credit is high and good, that can help those looking to invest in real estate. Having great personal credit can take your ENS LEGIS far!


Flipping homes and/or buying apartment units and renting it out is a popular choice many of our students have implemented with success. 


Below are 3 very good leaders we recommend following who are knowledgeable in real estate investing. 

Max Maxwell 

His website is:

He has plenty of videos on YouTube we recommend consider watching to get inspired and learn more. 

Jerry Nortan

Another great source to check out. His website is He too has a plethora of videos to watch on YouTube that you can watch to learn more about how to flip homes and make big profits! 

Flip2Freedom is an informative website that can teach you how to leave the 9 to 5 and live a lifestyle full of abundance, flipping homes for profits! They also have a YouTube channel as well. 


We hope this post has inspired you to take ACTION and make use of your life and secure the financial future of your family (families). If you have been yearning for a change and to make in your life – may this post be your inspiration. 


We plan on sharing more posts pertaining to cryptocurrencies, manifestation and generational wealth, alongside (of course!) common law and sovereignty. 



We’d like to hear from you and your thoughts! Please share in the comments below. 

Thank you! 

Peace and Blissings to you all! 

Team A.W.A.R.E

By |2020-01-08T00:03:27-05:00January 7th, 2020|Blog, Generational Wealth, Real Estate Investing|12 Comments

About the Author:


  1. Tam January 13, 2020 at 12:41 am - Reply

    Thank for the information

    • A.W.A.R.E January 17, 2020 at 12:23 pm - Reply

      You’re welcome. Thank you for reading.

  2. Yolanda January 19, 2020 at 6:07 am - Reply

    Great information and I will definitely check out the websites listed. I’m looking forward to Emilio real estate webinar for 2020.

    • A.W.A.R.E January 19, 2020 at 10:14 pm - Reply

      Thank you so much, Yolanda for reading this post and for your interest in Emilio’s Real Estate 2020 Webinar! We appreciate your support. You’ll be sure to know once the webinar launches as you have been added to our VIP list 🙂

      Thank you. Peace and Blissings,

  3. AMEER January 22, 2020 at 1:34 am - Reply


    • A.W.A.R.E January 23, 2020 at 8:41 am - Reply

      Thank you for your support and for your anticipation! We have added you on the list so when this course launches, you’ll be one of the first to know.

      Thank you!
      Peace and Blissings~

  4. CURTIS February 24, 2020 at 3:58 am - Reply

    Gratitude for the excellent post on real estate investing. My only concern from a sovereign point of view.
    Would it be safer to operate in the private through a Land Trust, Trust or LLC when purchasing or wholesaling properties?

    My warmest regards

  5. Martha Vui March 14, 2020 at 10:36 am - Reply

    Thank you so much for the information been following A.W.A.R.E to be knowledgeable and educate myself to have money to go private Financial freedom for my family to leave a legacy so inspiring and uplifting to know the truth

    • A.W.A.R.E March 18, 2020 at 10:29 am - Reply

      Thank you so much, Martha for your wonderful comment 🙂 Very glad that this post has inspired you. Being aware does feel amazing and the ability to help others is even more joyful as well.

      If you have any questions or require assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.

      Thank you!
      Team A.W.A.R.E

  6. Efrem April 2, 2020 at 2:41 pm - Reply

    Thank you abundantly for the information. I am interested in learning more about Emilio\\\’s Real Estate Webinar. Please inform me of the day and time. Also, may I please be on the VIP list? I will be looking forward to hearing from you soon!!!😊

  7. BRYAN STEVE PELAEZ February 17, 2024 at 7:05 am - Reply

    To anyone out there who might be new to this, I just want to give you a sound mind . Do not think too much into the carnal instinct to want instant gratification. Lust greed envy the 101 deadly sins. I can assure you that what you are learning is absolutely true as true as the air you breath. I also believe that this is something you must do yourself, I do not believe that you will find anyone who is going to hand you the master key. To those of you like myself who found Patrick to completely surpass most of the guru’s out there, do not allow yourself to fall so short of attaining the education and wisdom that one will possess if and when you are honest with yourself and stay the course. SPC, BC Bond that is just a grain of sand on the beach you are walking on. I see too many posts and I can feel the desperation, anxiety, saying the same thing no matter how they say it. “please just give me the directions to the money tree” . It will never come to you if you dont change your mind set. Too the ones who had the honor of studying with that man, how may I be so honored to be able to study with you Thank you all of you for not saying too much but saying enough……All of the one’s whether you are new to this or long time coming Godspeed

  8. BRYAN STEVE PELAEZ February 17, 2024 at 7:07 am - Reply

    To anyone out there who might be new to this, I just want to give you a sound mind . Do not think too much into the carnal instinct to want instant gratification. Lust greed envy the 101 deadly sins. I can assure you that what you are learning is absolutely true as true as the air you breath. I also believe that this is something you must do yourself, I do not believe that you will find anyone who is going to hand you the master key. To those of you like myself who found Patrick to completely surpass most of the guru’s out there, do not allow yourself to fall so short of attaining the education and wisdom that one will possess if and when you are honest with yourself and stay the course. SPC, BC Bond that is just a grain of sand on the beach you are walking on. I see too many posts and I can feel the desperation, anxiety, saying the same thing no matter how they say it. “please just give me the directions to the money tree” . It will never come to you if you dont change your mind set. Too the ones who had the honor of studying with that man, how may I be so honored to be able to study with you Thank you all of you for not saying too much but saying enough……All of the one’s whether you are new to this or long time coming

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